Vision Quest
Are you yearning to connect to nature and look deeply at who and what you really are?
The Vision Quest is calling you…

“You come face to face with yourself and get to know more deeply who you are (and who you are not). With all the distractions and the noise of daily life removed, and the voices of those around you silenced, you are more able to hear the whisperings of your soul reminding you why you came here in this life.
“Four days and four nights – just you alone with the Creator.”
Malcolm Ringwalt, Oneness Quest Founder
The Vision Quest is a movement within, through the doorway of the natural world.
vision quest ceremony vision quest ritual
This is a ceremony of personal transformation and is one of the oldest spiritual practices in existence. People tend to come to the Vision Quest these days as adults, as people who are at a crossroads in their lives, as people feeling that there’s something missing, something more to life than how they are living now. It is used for personal healing and to reveal a person’s greater life purpose. Although the Quest is held sacred by many, the essential movement of solo time in nature is universal. This powerful spiritual technique is still being used today simply because it works.
The Vision Quest is the place where your spiritual life moves from being something you think about and seek, into a hands-on reality. If you are feeling drawn to spend four days alone in nature without distractions, supported in your internal process – you are in the right place.
This four day and night quest is held within a longer program, and is facilitated on the land by a team of highly trained Quest Protectors. All the Protectors offering the programs listed here are trained guides committed to your safety and well-being during your quest. They will teach you how to get the most out of your quest, how to prepare for it, and how to communicate your needs while preserving the sanctity of your solitude.
When you have completed your quest, the Protectors will help you to understand the gifts you have received and to begin integrating back into society. They are experienced in questing themselves and are devoted to making these quests available to you so that you may discover your own Truth, your own Spiritual Path.
Some Protectors facilitate Quests of shorter and longer durations, Women’s Quests, and Rites of Passage Quests for teenagers. When offered, these will be listed on the Schedule page.

“The Vision Quest ceremony is a dance between the power of your internal landscape, the stillness in the moment and the voice of the land which holds you.”
Kate Rydge, Nature Philosophy Australia
Vision Quest Community & Testimonials
“In my life, Vision Quest has been one of the most powerful tools for transformation and personal growth that I have experienced. ‘Living my vision’ is something that I do every day in my post-quest life. I was in the fortunate position of being able to conduct a personal quest just prior to the outbreak of COVID last spring and have been grateful for the way it prepared me to deal with the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty of this difficult time.”
Bob P. Canada
“The traditional vision quest helped me to shed the parts of my past that no longer serve me, allowing me to step onto my soul’s path with ease and confidence. Matt and the protectors served my human needs with love and understanding.”
Joules A. USA
“The most incredible experience of my life, and the most impacting, has left me truly a different person.”
Douglas C. USA
“Thank you so much for your time and energy that you both put into the Vision Quest… It is just what I needed since I felt that Spirit was becoming an illusion that I couldn’t possibly connect to. I can now at least feel there is a connection within me, which is only the beginning. THANK YOU!!!”
Jill S. USA
“I’m finding that my old patterns — my angers, fears, and outrage at civilization, at people for making such a horrible mess of things — still exist, but that for the first time in my life they’re consistently being balanced by more positive emotions. I’m finding it easier to empathize with and understand people who might feel differently than I do, and love is starting to become more of a feeling and less of an intellectual concept, especially outside my core relationships… the experience of the Quest will still be among my most influential ever. I owe you a tremendous debt. Thank you.”
Todd T. USA
“I gained a testimony, there in that circle, that outer does reflect inner, that we are at one with nature . . . I was centered I a part of myself that was prepared to accept my future as it unfolded before me one day at a time . . . The process can be difficult but I recommend it to anyone who would like to connect with their deeper self.”
Aaron W. USA
“My life and every part of my being has grown profoundly through my Vision Quest experience. I feel that week was the most altering, profound and important experience of my life. My ability to learn and grow from the countless lessons surrounding me each day, if I choose to see them, has increased immensely… I appreciated so much Malcolm’s facilitation of our Quest, and feel it enhanced the experience so much, I can’t imagine embarking on the Vision Quest without that kind of protection, facilitation, and processing. I have encountered many people and situations which seem to be longing for the Quest experience. If only they knew it existed and how much it provides… Thank you for this opportunity — the next step.”
Ben S. USA
“Last year’s Quest was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life, and the positive effects of it continue to resonate throughout my daily routines. It was an honor to meet you all and I could not imagine a better group of people with whom to share this profound experience. Each of you will hold a sacred place in my heart.”
James A. USA
“That was by far one of the best experiences of my life… Thanks again for the Quest… I had very powerful experiences with Earth-Heart and want to give back something to help more and more people have that experience. We are already exciting others here in SF with our glow…Everyday feels like a blessing! I really wonder if I might be on track to Quest 1/year or more… They have such powerful results for me. I still tell everyone it is the #1 thing I recommend for any personal insight/development work.”
Mark R. USA
“I have firmer boundaries. I feel more truly compassionate…My Vision Quest will live inside me and be a guiding force within me forever. I so needed something ancient and pure.”
Brooke C. USA
“I’m finding that my old patterns — my angers, fears, and outrage at civilization, at people for making such a horrible mess of things — still exist, but that for the first time in my life they’re consistently being balanced by more positive emotions. I’m finding it easier to empathize with and understand people who might feel differently than I do, and love is starting to become more of a feeling and less of an intellectual concept, especially outside my core relationships… the experience of the Quest will still be among my most influential ever. I owe you a tremendous debt. Thank you.”
Todd T. USA
“The Quest has opened my heart and I will truly never be the same again. Your caring, kindness, wisdom and love helped make my first Vision Quest an extraordinary experience. Re-opening the doorway to my heart and revealing the beginning of a pathway to my Vision.”
Ronda C. USA
“Thank you again for a life changing experience.”
Rick R. USA
“I just wanted to express my gratitude again for your leadership during the Idaho Vision Quest. Since the Quest, I have felt a deep sense of inner peace and tranquility that borders on spiritual bliss. It’s difficult to describe.”
Damon W. USA
“The Quest experience continues to unfold before me each and every day. The last day I “touched” something or something touched me, and although I cannot put words to it, the feeling is there to be remembered as it so profoundly hit me as “oneness”… So brief but so beautiful.”
Jo-Ann P. USA
“The tools given are an invaluable moment to moment aid. It’s as if I left my circle but my Quest continues on within me. My heart dwells in a very different place than it did a few weeks ago.”
Catherine M. USA
“Since my first Quest in July 2002 with you and a host of other peace-loving, energy-working individuals… I have received profound support from the universe through some intensely challenging experiences… I feel so shifted… Thanks for your commitment… Questing has changed my life!”
Edwina C. Canada
“I wanted to thank both of you for doing the work you do. I felt very safe and supported during the entire Quest experience, which by the way was so awesome!… Thank you again for making my first Vision Quest such a wonderful experience.”
Margaret L. USA
“On the last day of my Quest this unbelievable emotion just welled up from inside me and I started to cry. I really felt the power and love of the Creator. It made me realize what work needs to be done for the Creator.”
Frances G. Canada
“I feel privileged to have shared my most personal challenge with people who made me feel so accepted, protected, and fully informed during my four day gift from the Creator.”
Laurie M. Canada
Questing for me is the deepest form of spiritual practice. Nothing else on the path has allowed me to connect with spirit so intensively. It has become my guide when I get lost in the world and it brings me back home.
L.P. Canada