Teacher Training for the PTC

Vision Quest Protector ceremony
Vision Quest ceremony

This class is open only to graduates of the Protector Training Course who have continued to Quest on their own and who have guided others in the Quest. In this class, you will learn to teach the Protector Training Course to your own students or to friends through your own school. I am committed to having the teachings of the Quest, Protection, and awareness more broadly available and believe that if more people are offering it locally, rather than once a year in NJ, far more people will be able to learn and begin to practice these skills. And the need for this experience in the world is crucial and growing with the rise in social turmoil. Contact me if you are interested.

This course has been offered in a two, 5-day program, but I have streamlined it to be an 6-day class. As with all Earth-Heart classes, it will be packed full with both knowledge and experience of teaching and protecting. If you want to hone your protection skills to the keenest edge, take this class.

Attendance at this class will be a minimum requirement to be certified to teach the Protector Training Class. Supplemental materials to support both Protectors and Teacher Trainers are available to give you confidence that you can both protect and teach this material. There have been four Advanced Protector classes offered over the years, and you can (ought to) purchase the tapes of those classes to fill out the knowledge you will need to be maximally effective.