Hearts of Fire Ceremony

Global Ceremonies that each person does in their own area

Our Next Ceremony

Living the Spiritual Qualities

Part two: Love

April 19, 2025

During 2025, our intent is to seed into our world the spiritual qualities of 


These quarterly seasonal Ceremonies mark a return to the original simplicity as we aspire to bring Stillness and Silence into our hearts and daily lives.

Power of Ceremony

Malcolm has said many times that when we do a ceremony in this reality, the power goes out to the farthest reaches of creation, so when I do a ceremony I do my best to put my “all” into it.

I always start my preparations well in advance of the time that the event is going to happen, as the ceremony begins the second that I start the preparations.

With the ceremony that is coming up, I read the instructions and within a few hours it started working inside of me. Actually it started at an unconscious level as soon as I read the instructions.

When I had integrated the ceremony internally, it started working externally and I had to build the altar that was suggested. As soon as I placed the candle on the altar, the ceremony began in earnest for me. I could feel it working inside of me.

I then placed the stones that were suggested in the four directions and I labeled each direction but I didn’t just label the directions, I also added what each direction meant to me.

The feeling inside of me got bigger and bigger with each piece that I added to the altar, so I knew that this ceremony for the direction of North and the spiritual quality of Peace was going to be epic.

I plan to leave the altar intact for the year for the Peace, Love, Joy and Purpose ceremonies so that the energies of each one will continue to build within me and these energies will reach the ends of creation.

All ceremonies are very powerful, and speaking for me, I will pour myself into each one for humanity and beyond.


Chuck Stratton

Our most recent ceremony:
Living the Spiritual Qualities

Part one: Peace

January 18, 2025

PS: If you find these ceremonies uplifting or inspiring, a donation to help the Hearts of Fire Council continue to host the web page and the quarterly ceremonies would be welcomed. Donations can be made to Allen Symonds, Hearts of Fire treasurer

Upcoming Ceremonies

Love            April 19, 2025
Joy              July 19, 2025
Purpose       October 18, 2025

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Previous Ceremony Instructions

I have participated in many of the Hearts of Fire Ceremonies. This last one, the Season of the Mouse, was particularly joyful, enlightening and healing for me. In part, this was because this was the first time I’ve participated in the pre and post-ceremony calls. The pre-call was so powerful, it drew me into the energy and intention of the ceremony so that when the ceremony began two days later, I was able to dive deeply into it. Not only do I recommend joining the ceremonies to make a positive difference in the world and in your own life, but to also take advantage of these calls to connect and deepen your experience.

Debbie Tremel

Vision Quest ceremony

Ceremony is a gift of the Creator that quickens our hearts to love of all Life.
From here our own life and spiritual journey are blessed and our communities are helped as we anchor the Sacred in community life.

The HEARTS OF FIRE COUNCIL would like to invite you to join us, and our global Protector community, in ceremony as we build momentum and energy.

As Protectors, we are deeply committed to serving Life and to taking a stand to protect the sacred. Being in ceremony together regularly throughout the year builds momentum for our own spiritual growth and strengthens the guiding influence of light in our lives, so that we can be an increasingly powerful force for good in our communities and throughout the world.

Our Hearts yearn to sit with Creator and these ceremonies provide a roadmap to do just that. Each ceremony culminates in a Sacred Fire which cleanses us, humanity and the world. We know that each person doing these ceremonies has a Heart of Fire in love with humanity and our Mother the Earth. 

The HEARTS OF FIRE COUNCIL offers Ceremonies four times a year on a Saturday in April, July, October and January and we hope that you will join us.  While the ceremony dates for the full year are listed here, they may change with little notice. To stay up to date please sign up to the Newsletter below to receive notifications and instructions on how to participate. Some ceremonies will require prerequisites.


Doing these ceremonies gives a purpose to my life — spending time in preparation, doing it, and raising awareness in myself and the world.”


Issues came up but not in the usual way. They were not things to be resolved, but things to be set aside to get back to the light. The candle was a beautiful experience, watching it consume my distractions.  It was a very gentle and powerful day.”


Thank You So, So Much for bringing the Hearts of Fire Ceremony into our lives. Truly, an Epic, Powerful, humbling, and transformative experience, indelibly etched in the looking-glass of Soul. “


There was such a brilliant design, seamless flow, laser focus, and powerful & pertinent purpose behind the work throughout every movement of the ceremony, and it was very powerful and important for me to participate in it; so, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! There is so much more to say about this ceremony, so much to debrief, and so many lessons continuing to erupt from it in my life.”